Elevate your brand with AdBerry Counseling, the premier Advertising Company in Bhubaneswar. Transform your data management and automate processes for digital growth.

Ultimate purpose of advertisements are to induce deals orleads.However, you’re throwing plutocrat down the drain, If your advertisements aren’t doing that.


Our Advertising services

Get further Business, further Leads and further Deals with Our PPC Services

Search Ads

We’ll help you snappily make brand mindfulness with advertisements placed on the top of hunt machine results

Display Ads

We produce important and client- centric announcements with images, banners, textbooks,etc. to enhance your digital presence


Want to doctor your client base with clever advertisements? Let Digital Markitors help you with robust remarketing strategies

Product Listing Ads

Announce further and further products and affiliated information to convert your leads into assured deals with our customized product table advertisements

Google Shopping Ads

Retails marketing businesses can produce juggernauts and vend products to their online guests through Google Shopping Advertisements.

Mobile Advertising

laboriously reach your targeted followership and interact with them directly with the help of mobile advertising.



With Page Traffic PPC, you can get more traffic and revenue by engaging with your customers through paid Ads.


PageTraffic PPC experts perform announcement checkups to insure the right followership sees what’s for trade – whether they ’re on desktop or mobile device!

PageTraffic optimizes Google Advertisements; improves targeting through crusade perceptivity which means we know exactly who’s going near any given webpages for outside transformations possibilities. And eventually influence announcement extensions so clicking leads directly to deals.



We know you have a million effects going on and we ’re then to help! With our Facebook announcement operation services, take complete advantage of the social network. From strategy development to launching your advertisements and covering their performance — PageTraffic provides an each- inclusive Facebook advertisements package for advertising online.

Our PPC specialists will work with you every step of the way to make sure that your requirements are met. We give creative ideas grounded on specific requirements or diligence, so we can meet YOUR pretensions at every turn!


Instagram is a important visual platform for advertisers because of its targeted followership and ease- of use. Instagram advertisements have the option to add textbook that will appear at top or nethermost with a “ Call To Action ”. We work nearly with its guests to insure their advertisements reach implicit guests effectively!

Let’s work together to get your communication out there! With our strategy creation and crusade analysis moxie, we can help you achieve any ideal – whether that’s raising mindfulness or getting further transformations!!


We specialise in casting LinkedIn advertising juggernauts to help you achieve your business pretensions. We ’ll take your business requirements and knitter a strategy for maximum results – whether it’s increased business or leads! PageTraffic’s PPC platoon has the chops necessary, from announcement design all stages up until periodic analysis so success can be guaranteed with us at every step along the way.

We nearly cover performance, make adaptations as demanded throughout each run and optimize grounded on perceptivity from analysis after conclusion of juggernauts – all designed for optimal success!



The significance of a well- designed and executed display announcement can not be exaggerated. PageTraffic combines strategy, creativity, specialized moxie to produce announcements that connect with guests whether they’re viewing your products or services offered by you tête-à-tête or just the website content itself.

Page Traffic’s display advertising services will help you capture further people’s attention and bring in a wider followership. With our broad range of announcement formats, we can draft an seductive crusade that gets druggies hooked snappily.


Our PPC Work Includes

Our comprehensive PPC solutions include but not restricted to the following:

Keyword Suggestions

Our PPC experts will do an extensive analysis to identify the keywords that can give you more enquiries and conversion opportunities.

PPC Copywriting

An engaging title and depiction can assist you with getting more snaps. Our team of creative writers will prepare a catchy copy for your PPC campaign.

Bid Management

We have team of PPC experts to bid on the keywords that are likely to bring higher ROI. Each bid is closely monitored with a focus on most targeted yet least competitive keywords.

Search Advertising

Our group of PPC experts will assist you with tracking down the right arrangement of catchphrases and the ideal methodology to carry more traffic to your site.

Conversion / Call / Sales Tracking

Our team tracks every click, call, conversion, and sale to help you calculate the benefits.

Performance Reporting

All your PPC commercial reports will be archived and imparted to you routinely to break down the Active visitor clicking percentage, traffic, and return for money invested.


Find wasted Ad spend          Expand your Search          Increase your ROI

At AdBerry Counseling, we stand as a beacon of collaboration, valuing every partnership. With a finger on the pulse of industry trends and emerging technologies, we ensure your brand’s forefront presence in digital evolution. Partner with us to revolutionize your data management, automate processes, and elevate your brand to new heights. As a premier Advertising Company and Agency in Bhubaneswar, we tailor strategies to amplify your brand’s visibility and impact in the digital landscape, fostering growth and success.

Common Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • PPC stands for Pay- Per- Click. It's an online system of flashing your services and products on hunt machines along with websites. The advertisers are only charged when their advertisements are clicked by a caller. PPC juggernauts are substantially designed to help businesses drive applicable business along with quality leads.
  • Be it small or big, every business can have great benefits from PPC. A successful PPC crusade can help you induce further profit briskly than any other marketing system. It's a brilliant tool for reaching your targeted followership at the right moment and when they're ready to convert from leads to deals. Then are the ways how PPC can help your business grow
  • Be it small or big, every business can have great benefits from PPC. A successful PPC crusade can help you induce further profit briskly than any other marketing system. It's a brilliant tool for reaching your targeted followership at the right moment and when they're ready to convert from leads to deals. Then are the ways how PPC can help your business grow
  • Increases brand mindfulness
  • Generates quick and applicable business to your website
  • Fore-commerce spots, PPC generates further leads and deals
  • You can target your implicit guests across the world with strategically designed PPC juggernauts
  • Chancing the right set of keywords is the most important thing while planning for a PPC crusade. For this, there are several tools similar as AdWords Keyword Planner and AdCenter Keyword Tool that we use for keyword selection. You can also communicate us to plan your PPC juggernauts.